About me

About me? Well, I am just an ordinary girl next door from the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A Chennaiite by birth, brought up in Ahmedabad, and settled now in Bangalore with my dear hubby, to be precise. I am a Content Developer and Editor by profession, and am rather curious about the world inside and outside me. I am trying to make sense of the world around me and myself as well, learning new things every day. This blog is very much a part of my world and my efforts to make sense of it.

Apart from travelling and watching movies, I love reading and am enchanted by books. I also contribute to Book Reviews. If you have a book which you’d like to be reviewed by me, do let me know, using the Contact Me page.

I don’t claim to be an expert cook, but I do love cooking. It is a therapy,  a very enjoyable activity for me. As I bumble my way across the kitchen and learn, I pen down my adventures. You can read them at Priya’s Kitchen.

The views expressed here are very much my own and are not influenced by anyone or anything. When I write about movies or books, it is largely an account of what I felt when I was reading or watching the movie. There never was, never will be an intention to hurt anyone through these posts.

Do feel free to roam around my virtual hangouts and express your opinions on the same.

55 responses to “About me

  1. cooking?!!!! seriously, cooking? how come not one mention of your cooking escapades in your blog?!

    I’m the suspicious.

  2. priyaiyer

    ya, seriously! cooking!!!! i love cooking, learning new dishes and trying them out! but i am still an amateur, and most of the time, i don’t get a chance to cook at home! 🙂 that’s why no escapades on blog! but i was thinking on the lines of starting a cooking blog, wherein i would put up various recipes in simple form…something on the lines of ‘cooking for dummies’..:-) so, don’t be the suspicious…i know, it’s difficult..even i was the suspicious before i started cooking whether i could do it or not, but i managed, and i managed quite well! 🙂

  3. KK

    hey this is karthik, working as a web architect, now with yahoo! Can you co-edit a technical blog with me ? Am now located in pune. As an FYI, yahoo! is officially anouncing its office in pune this month.

  4. KK

    hai_kk is my yahoo IM ID .

  5. priyaiyer


    hi! nice to meet(?) you. Welcome here. Will drop you a line. Thanks. 🙂

  6. Hello Priya,
    Would like to put up your post A Letter to a Friend in my blog. Liked it so much when I read it. And for certain reasons, would like to have it in my blog too. Shall acknowledge it as yours. Can I put it up? Hope you don’t mind. Should have mailed you for this, maybe, but I don’t see your email displayed anywhere.

  7. priyaiyer


    first of all, hope you are doing fine.

    sure thing! you can put it up on your blog! 🙂 i have absolutely no problems.

  8. Thanks for letting me put up the post!

    Doing fine – well, to be honest, things are not very good, but somehow managing. Anyway, thanks for asking.


  9. Hey Priya! You from Ahmedabad?!!! I thought you were a native of chennai! Tamil thane nee? Ore confusions of India.

  10. priyaiyer


    yep, me very much from ahmedabad, but a chennaite by birth. 🙂 (born in chennai, brought up in gujjuland, a blend of both cultures!)

  11. Content Editor sounds really cool. 🙂 what do you actually do? I bet it’s way more interesting than writing lines and lines of code 😦

  12. priyaiyer


    yep, it is cool most of the times, though sometimes not-so-cool! 🙂 i am a content editor, meaning that i edit and develop content for my firm!!!!! 😀

    and yes, it is definitely better than writing code! 😦

  13. Q: what does a content editor do?
    Madam Priya Iyer’s Answer: Edit and develop content for the firm.

    wah re wah! that must be the answer of the century! bravo!


    jus kidding.. 🙂

  14. priyaiyer


    he he! that’s exactly what i do! 😀

    you shd hv told me that u want a detailed job description, na? 😀

  15. Lydia

    Actually stumbled across your site today Priya and it uplifted me. Thanks. No need to write back. Lydia

  16. priyaiyer


    thanks lydia! i’m glad you felt uplifted. my pleasure! 🙂

  17. priyaiyer


    thanks! welcome here! 🙂

  18. Monisha

    Hey Priya….

    Wishing u a very happy new year….missing ur presence yaar!

  19. priyaiyer


    thanks dear. wishing you and your family a very happy new year. 🙂

    m missing you guys too! 😦

  20. hey tis s surya

    hz do i link u,u dont hv a c box

    but i ve added u

  21. priyaiyer


    hey! welcome here! thanks for the blogroll! 🙂

  22. I don’t even know how I landed up here…hopping from blog to blog! I haven’t even read your blog, but felt like commenting…strange! will be back. 🙂

  23. priyaiyer


    u haven’t read my blog yet, and you feel like commenting! wow! thats quite something! 🙂

    welcome here and feel free to share your views! 🙂

  24. One of blogging’s advantage is that you can meet interesting people just by pressing an arrow on the right corner that directs to a random blog! That’s how I arrived here and glad to read salutations like ‘Amma’ and ‘Appa’ which I also use everyday to call my mom and sister as you know.. 🙂
    Keep up the blogging.

  25. priyaiyer

    hey! welcome here! glad to know that you enjoyed going through my old posts! 🙂

    ‘amma’ and ‘appa’ mean ‘mother’ and ‘father’ in tamil. i guess you were talking about ‘aapa’, which means ‘sister’. 🙂

  26. gr8 blog and tanks for blogrolling me ma’m.. m honoured 🙂

  27. priyaiyer

    @dream catcher

    oh, pleasure is mine. 🙂

    welcome to UP!

  28. Satish

    hey Priya,
    randomly googled ‘bridges of madison county’ + ‘ambigiuty’ and here i am in your blog… konjam padichathla, romba intersting :)…. leaving with a smile …


  29. priyaiyer


    hey! welcome here! glad to know you liked going through my random scribbles. 🙂

  30. Initial-M

    Nice blog priya 🙂

  31. priyaiyer


    thanks! welcome here! 🙂

  32. Jobin Babu

    Hi Priya,

    I googled for getting some good words to write a letter to my friend. and I am here now. Gone through your words. touching touching… 🙂

    Take Care

  33. priyaiyer


    thanks and welcome to UP! 🙂

  34. Nice blog…Got your blog link via your readers, Priya’s blog. For a second I thought it was hers itself…(same names 😛 ) and also both of you using the same themes…. so was confused… 😛

  35. priyaiyer


    hey! welcome here! 🙂 yep, sometimes it is confusing..

  36. hey you’ve got a nice blog.. hope to follow it 🙂

    hey, sandeep! welcome here! 🙂

  37. Ei Priya

    I don’t like to tell ur poems are good.

    But I want to tell,
    you have to maintain the blog pls

    hmmm….. yes di u have to do…

    rajesh, first of all, it would be great if you could stop using words like ‘di’ and ‘ei’ on my blog. as i said in reply to my earlier comment as well, you are most welcome to not read the poems, or, for that matter, any post, if you don’t like them.
    as for maintaining the blog, what made you think that i am going to stop?

  38. Hey! Happy Birthday! 🙂

    Have a wonderful year ahead… full of happiness and laughter!

    thanks a lot, priti! 🙂

  39. Praveen

    First time here. Like ur space. Adding it to my reader.

  40. priyaiyer


    thanks! welcome here! 🙂

  41. Raj

    Just want to say that I came across your blog recently and love it.

    Cheers- Satish

  42. Hello Priya
    I’m relatively new to blogging and find your blog quite interesting.
    The post with the DD videos was very good.
    I have a blog myself but seldom get hits. Any words of advice to a newbie?

  43. priyaiyer


    great to hear that! thanks.. and welcome here! 🙂


    thanks! welcome here! 🙂
    well, i wouldn’t be the best person to advise you on that.. i hardly care about the number of hits that i get.. for me, this is a place where i pour my heart out… 🙂

  44. Praveen

    Priya, pls add the search widget on your page. I was looking for ‘nostalgia’ and couldn’t find. Search box makes it easier 🙂

  45. priyaiyer


    he he… me and add a search box? if i were THAT capable!!! sigh!! 😦

    anyways, here’s the link to ‘nostalgia’:


  46. Praveen

    Hey thanks! Will read it soon.
    Searchbox is simple, no big deal :). Pls check your email.

  47. priyaiyer


    hey, thanks a lot for going to ALL THAT trouble.. i m touched! 🙂

    will check on that soon… as of now, life’s going too crazy for me to do anything!

  48. Lovely place you’ve made here Priya.

  49. priyaiyer


    thanks! welcome here! 🙂

  50. Pradeep

    It’s only by chance I’ve come across your wonderful blog today and fallen in love with it instanteneously. I just wanted to say ‘thanks’ and keep it going.Please keep publishing which is like breathing through a whiff of fresh air experiencing the aroma and bewitching fragrance of all flowers on earth.
    Good Luck!

  51. priyaiyer


    thanks for the kind words.. welcome here! 🙂

  52. Hi Priya,

    came across ur blog for the first time. Couldn’t resist closing it. Very happy to find such a nice blogsite. Will comment on ur upcoming posts regularly from now.

  53. priyaiyer


    hey, thanks for that lovely comment.. welcome here! do keep visiting!! 🙂

  54. Jamal kasma

    Good Job Priya…..
    Keep Posting nice Pictures….

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